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时间:2017-02-27      来源:苏州迪森特      关键词:苏州迪森特      浏览量:3056



- 真正实现车漆质量的全检
- 汽车制造企业可以将更多精力集中于如何改进表面缺陷,而不是用于发现缺陷
- 检测可以被直接安排在喷涂工序后,此时车漆不良还可以比较容易返工
- 可以减少返工费用和返工生产线
- 可以用于一切反光材料表面的不良缺陷检测,如平板电脑屏幕,手机屏幕,高精度光学透镜表面等
- 相对于CCD检测,可以实现更大检测视野和更短检测时间
- 最小可以检测到10μm的表面缺陷
- 本地3D影像重建,方便后续工作的进行
- 检测过程基本不受被测材料的颜色影响
- 取代人工检测,大大提升检测效率并降低漏检
- 可以观察到细微表面不良,如轻微变色,凹凸,颗粒均匀度变化等

A perfectly painted surface is every car's staple feature, and thus represents a very emotional measure of quality for the customer. To optimize this surface, two to four robot-assisted systems (depending on the cycle time) of the reflectCONTROL PSS 8005.D type allow objective in-line inspection of each car body. The defects are measured laterally and in depth, and classified on the basis of catalogs and optionally marked by the automationControl 8005 PSS 8005.MQ system using ATENSOR-LS1 technology*. This way, follow-up work and process improvements can be performed precisely as required and easily.


    Objective  inspection of all the vehicles manufactured
    Employees can concentrate on remedying critical defects and not on identifying them
    Detection of defects immediately after the painting booth, when they can still be easily reworked
    Cutting costs by reducing defects
    Reducing the number of rework lines

Material parameters:

    Defect sizes of from 10 μm, lateral
    Local 3D-reconstruction allows the automation of follow-up work
    Detection rate that is practically independent of color
    Not dependent on the robot type